The Magical third state...



Facts & Stats

The Beginning of Wisteria

Current Leadership

Wisteria's Emblems

The Flower

The Animal

The Fish

The Colours



The Magician's Sapienta

The Charming Traditions of Wisteria

Facts & Stats

Population: 100 humans (January 2016 census)

Area: 50km squared

Motto: Vita Est Magicae ("Life is Magic")


Capital City:

Highest Point: Mount Vita (7 141.5m above sea level)

Lowest Point: River Valley Canyon (373m below sea level)

Religions: Magicianity (70%); Buddhism (25%) and other minority religions (5%)

National Parks: River Valley National Park, Ferebant Forest National Park, Sol Mare National Park, others

Coldest Recorded Temperature: -7 degrees Celsius (2005)

Warmest Recorded Temperature: 37.2 degrees Celsius (1982)

The Beginning of Wisteria

Wisteria was first discovered when a couple of the settlers from Willocian state consulted the moons (multiple are visible from TdC). Being descendants from Professor Dumbledore 1st, they knew they didn’t fit in; the lack of magic in Willocia made it difficult for them to work and live. So they packed their bags and journeyed South-West, following the stars. They were brought to a stream, the Moon Stream, with its water that was clean to use without doing anything to it. They started a town, very small but a start. They set down the foundations of the Magician’s Sapientia. The Magician’s Sapienta was the ‘fountain of all Magical knowledge’. It can be used to discover almost anything about the magical world. Magicians consulted with the leaders of Willocia for the beginnings of a Sapienta of ‘normal’ knowledge. More information below.

Current Leadership in Wisteria

Wisteria is currently ruled by Lirabe Turkid (Golden Phoenix). Lirabe is also the Queen of Cunhan and is married to King of Cunhan, Chookie-yai-yai Turkid (ruler of state Callumbias).


Lirabe is the Nth ruler of Wisteria and the Nth Queen of Cunhan (also called QOC). The legacy was handed down to her at only x years of age after her parents retired and moved to the country. Next in line to the throne is brother Pag (pig). 

Wisteria's Emblems


Coat of Arms:

Flower: Wisteria

Animal: Rabbit

Bird: Phoenix

Fish: Spelling Fish (more information below)

Gemstone: Aquamarine

Colours: Lilac, turquoise and leaf green

The Flower



The wisteria is a beautiful climbing vine. Variants originate from China, Japan, and of course the Wisterian State. Sub variants include Amethyst (reddish purple), Alba (white), and Jako (white and strongly scented). 


The type of Wisteria in the Magic State is unique in all aspects. Flowering throughout the year, it is probably the most greatly sought-after of the variants in the world. Our Wisterias are typically lilac purple, with shamrock green foliage and vines. On special occasions (such as national and international holidays), the flowers will transform to a stunning cerulean-arctic blue - turning a full circle in the sense that these magnificent flowers represent every Wisterian colour emblem. On Wedding days of the public and royalty, these flowers can be charmed into a pure white shade. 


Looking for a breathtaking view of Wisteria flowers? Come any time, to any place! Every home sports a front and back garden, and Wisteria adorns almost every surface. Windows, terraces, walls, trees - people! Come for a stroll and enjoy the spectacular scene of Wisteria. 

The Animal

The Rabbit

 Although usually allowed to run free throughout the state and its buildings, the photographs here show two rabbits under the loving care of Queen Lirabe. They were injured recently in a stampede of tourists, and so have been taken to Lirabe's house for some TLC, parsley and kisses. They are recovering steadily and are much better now. 


The Fish

The Spelling Fish


The Spelling Fish (often known as the official fish because it rhymes), is a fish with more power than you'd think. The species are commonly known to be able to "spell every word, and word every spell" - meaning they can spell any word you can think of, and lay any spell you can think of. As these fish can live for many years (usually up to 150, with the current record 167 years), many Wisterians consult these fish for help in troubled times.


Spelling Fish are often present at the annual National Spelling Bee, as adjudicators. They used to be able to participate as competitors, but an outrage from the Patriaen state resulted in them being banned in early 1867. However, it is told they have a private Spelling Bee annually, with the winner representing the population at formal events.

The Colours

Anyone can see that these colours are truly stunning - but what do they mean in the Wisterian/Cunhan culture, and around the world?



  • Helps you to focus
  • Good for calming anger
  • Great bedroom colour - especially if you're an insomniac!
  • Royalty
  • The want for achievement
  • Wealth
  • Creativity
  • Dignity
  • Peace
  • Mystery
  • Independence
  • Magic


  • Depth
  • Stability
  • Trust and loyalty
  • Truth
  • Calmness
  • Calms heartbeat
  • Wisdom and intelligence


Leaf Green

  • It's great to focus on something green before an exam or stressful experience
  • Soothes eyesight and supports nervous system
  • Why not try having a plant at your desk?
  • Life
  • Nature
  • Harmony
  • Freshness
  • Safety
  • Nerve soothing
  • Joy

So when you see the Wisterian colours proudly decorating a flag or object: Magic! Wisdom! Joy! is the takeaway message. 



The Magician's Sapienta

The Magician's Sapienta is an eons old foundation, first made by the settlers of Wisteria. It is often regarded as a "fountain of all knowledge". Like a library, the Sapienta has books, records, photos, maps, etc., of everything in the known magical world - after all, sapienta translates in Latin to wise. The Sapienta changes forms when cued; right now it takes the form of a historic, gigantic library. The Magician's Sapienta is a collaboration between Willocians and Wisterians, working together to form this giant library that contains all the information of interest to both states.


Every Wisterian citizen is given a pass into the Sapienta at birth. Tourists can apply for a monthly pass.


Upon entering the Sapienta, you will see a large entrance. Here are bathrooms, a café, information booth and help desk. This is where you will be needed to present or acquire your pass. Next, is the main library. Since collaboration with the Willocian peoples, there are two sections: Human and Magical. In each section is books, records, maps, pictures, etc., about every subject you could think of. From here you can delve into the world of knowledge. 


 Please note that while food is allowed in the Sapienta, we suggest you don't feed it to the residential rabbits and phoenixes. Thank you! 


Magician's Sapienta



Tristan da Cunha
Moon Avenue
Wisteria, 1415 Tristan da Cunha, Atlantic Ocean

The Charming Traditions of Wisteria

Probably the most renowned tradition in Wisteria is the charms (hence the subheading).