The Most Noble 2nd State - Patriae

Who We Are

Patriae is an Ancient Cunhan state, first founded when a group of men, women and children, led by a young lady named Coelha von Lot, fled Willocia - then an overcrowded state of tyranny - looking for a better life. After many months of travelling, they stumbled upon a meadow deep within the Sciculiptus forest, which they named Lambing Flat. They decided to halt their journey there, and since then, a metropolis key to the heart and livelihood of Tristan da Cunha has sprung up. Many villages and towns have been founded since, the most significant of which are μοζυρε, αναγνεασ and λαντ ιριδισ. (Mozure, Anagneas and Lake Iridis)

Patriae - A leading power in Environmental sustainability

Patriae, as with the rest of Tristan da Cunha, runs solely on solar and wind power, an economical and environmental benefit. We are also pioneers in the usage of environmentally friendly plastic that is 100% biodegradable, and will not ruin the beautiful landscape we have here. All materials are recycled and reused. Our postal services work on foot by a team of noble knights, ensuring we conserve as much of our precious energy as possible. Join in the movement today, and help our planet for tomorrow.

Table of Contents

  1. Statistics
  2. Overview of the State Emblems
  3. The State Flag
  4. The State Colours
  5. The State Animal
  6. The State Mystical Animal
  7. The State Fish
  8. The State Bird



     9. The State Flower

   10. The State Mineral

   11. The State Coat-of-Arms and other Coats-of-Arms

   12. Geography

   13. Architecture

   14. Holidays, traditions, and festivals

   15. Other


Capital City: Lambing Flat

Current Monarch: Siyabungu Hrebama (σιψαβυνγυ ηρεβαμα)

Area (km squared): 95

Population: 502

Motto: Cognitio est limitata; imagination est maxima fortitudo (knowledge is limited; imagination is our greatest strength)

Coordinates: 37.1167 S, 12.2833 W

Highest Point: Mount Monsepelius (1381m)

Lowest Point: Lake Iridis (520m below sea level)

Average temperature: 18 degrees Celsius

Lowest temperature recorded: -11 degrees Celsius

Highest temperature recorded: 38 degrees Celsius

Overview of the State Emblems

The state emblems are an immensely important part of the Patriaen identity. Here you will find the most significant of them all, but if you wish to enquire about the rest of the several thousand emblems (these include family as well as state emblems), please visit the library. It is situated on 1 Harpsend Street, Lambing Flat, Patriae 2029. Upon arrival, enquire for the 'kheuongmai (κηευονγμαι)'. This books contains all information about every emblem ever made. For anyone who is interested in seeking Patriaen knowledge, or is just wanting to stalk someone's family and history.

Emblems stated on this page are (in order): state flag, colours, animal, mystical animal, fish, bird, flower, mineral and coats-of-arms (including significant ones that don't represent the state).

The State Flag

The State Colours

The state colours were chosen long ago by Coelha von Lot, founder of the most noble state of Patriae, in an act of defiance against the tyranny of Willocia. In Lambing Flat, they could hear the sea, so they chose the colour blue. And so thenceforth was born the ‘Dance of the Blue’, performed every winter solstice, on the annual festival of the Dark in Patriae. Where the sun rose high over the clouded hills, they chose the colour yellow, which is celebrated as the sun rays every Summer Solstice, and so then the traditional ‘Dance of the Yellow’ is performed on the annual festival of the light in Patriae. Pink was chosen to represent the journey they took to get to Lambing Flat, and all the pink blood they spilt on their quest, and the exhilarating rush of adrenaline they experienced as their cheeks turned pink, upon concluding their journey at Lambing Flat. The colour pink is celebrated on Patriae Independence day, as it clearly portrays the struggles, both great and small, that all Patriaens have experienced.

The State Animal

Patriae's state animal is the Giraffippo (pronounced gih-raff-ih-poh), a greatly revered land-dwelling beast, whose breath and toenail clippings are said to have extraordinary healing powers. As such, the Giraffippo has often been captured to the point of near-extinction in the wild, as so many wish to experience its renowned blessing. Nowadays, the Giraffippoes live on large reserves with tall trees, bordering one of the many inland lakes of Patriae. The Giraffipologists who care for and study the Giraffippoes on this reserve provide the hospitals with toenail clippings and air contained within vials. Anyone found to have captured a Giraffippo for personal use is subject to 20 years of counselling and will be sentenced further at the National Ministry of Law-Abiding, at Queen Mary's Peak.

The State Mystical Animal

The stadion mystical creature is the Long-nosed Sciculiptus, which has caught the attention and awe of Patriaens for as long as time has been present. Such was it a presence in the lives of native Patriaens that it served the name for the Sciculiptus forest, and even became a national holiday, one for which all residing in Patriae will gather in the forest and use the materials present there to weave great gifts for their families. An artist's impression of this creature, pictured below, is based off of the journal of Kokkp (her name means gentle beauty)  Hrebama, 13th ruler of Patriae, on her ill-fated journey to Wisteria - then a province of Willocia - for her nation and tribe, Patriae. Here is her account of the experience (translated from Old Cunhan to Modern English):

Dear Book,

We are on the road to Wisteria, but the path before us is none less than treacherous. I worry for the safety of my army, and my heart breaks for those we have left behind. Little do they know that we don't expect to make it back home alive. I try to keep my hopes up though, and today I feel as if they were given a push, feeling my soul soar above the tree canopy, the sun on my back as I fly carelessly. I often wish for that to happen, and then it just makes me sad again afterwards, for I realise it is out of my reach. However, today was different. I felt lifted, and the emotion of happiness almost made me weep. For happiness of course. That feeling of elation didn't die down as usual, instead, I continued flying for the whole day. I remember when we saw it, that creature, the one I think dominates many popular children's tales. The long-nosed Sciculiptus. It had an odd shaped-head, all swirls and lines that didn't meet ends. It looked like a cloud of smoke. But it's eyes, oh, they entranced with their huge pupils and gave us an odd feeling, as though we were merely floating in a dream. It's colour I can't explain, it's not at all like what we see everyday. It's head flowed into it's body, and it appeared, without legs, to float along the ground.

May we return,



The State Fish

The State Bird

The State Flower

The state flower is the Sasanqua Camellia. As it is quite rare on the island, many foreigners have debated whether it can actually be called 'native'. We Patriaens strongly believe that it is native and its rarity makes it hard to find, so finding it in the wild is a sign of good luck. This flower adorns many state costumes and plays a major part in the Cunhan National Day of the Anointment.

For more information, please visit these websites:


The State Mineral

The state mineral is the diamond, and Patriae is famed for its pear-shaped cuts, known professionally as Marquise Diamond Cuts by the wider jewellery community.

Diamonds are coincidentally the gem of leader siyabungu's birth month, April. Even more coincidentally, all four monarchs from each of the four states have their state mineral representing their birth month. That is why this era of the four monarch's rule is colloquially known as 'The Precious Stage'.

The State Coat-of-Arms and other Coat-of-Arms



Holidays, traditions and festivals
